Create reports with the click of a button.

Guide To Reports

There are several reports that can be generated in Wayfindit. The main differences in reports is the amount of detail and the format as either PDF or CSV. Also, if the report is for a plan or the entire project. Project reports are located in the left menu and the plan reports are inline with the floor titles. To generate a report click on the type of report you need within each plan or for the entire project. The report will then generate and will be available for download. Note: If the page is refreshed the report will need to be generated again.

Setup a Groups and Plans-01.png

Report Type: Project Level Report 

The text only report displays all information excluding pictures for the entire project.

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Report Type: Master Document PDF

This displays the Group, Item, Location, Description and all notes and measurements along with the primary image for the plot point. A thumbnail of the proposed sign will also be displayed in this report if available.


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Report Type: Survey PDF 

This displays the Group, Item, Location, Description and all notes and measurements along with all images for the plot point. This report is most for reviewing information that has been collected after a survey.


Setup a Groups and Plans-04.png

Text Only PDF 

This report is most helpful for quick internal reviews and sending to vendors for fabrication. This is a text-only spreadsheet view of the project data. This displays the Group, Item, Location, Description and all notes and details with no images for the plot point.

Setup a Groups and Plans-05.png